There are existing clap groups, where all the people agree to clap for each other 50 no matter what it is, which they will now have to adjust to scroll groups and there are also bot accounts made just to get claps on a story early. It’s ridiculous.
I think holding out hope that Medium will help poets is not a good use of hope. It doesn’t matter if Medium favors poets or doesn’t like us at all, or fiction writers, because we are here and if we keep writing good stories, the rest will work itself out. The Internet is what rewards clickbait and dumbed-down life hacks, it’s not Medium’s fault for playing it up. People click it.
In the end all of the stories about Medium this and that are just time away from writing. Take it from someone who has been down that rabbit hole. It’s not a good use of creative energy. Just let the pieces fall where they may. Good writing and positive outlooks progressively win and always feel better than the rest.