I appreciate the time you took to read the story and your comment, however I think you’ve committed the cardinal sin as an attorney. You’ve pre-judged someone or something based on a very limited set of facts. This was a story about two cases, but more so about what it feels like, beyond the job.
I am not, nor was I ever, disturbed about anything other than the obvious. I left the law more than 13 years ago and I think that’s a major fact that you failed to investigate. I don’t agree that defense attorneys have to be ok with the crimes people are accused of. Just because I found the allegations heinous didn’t make me a worse lawyer. I would argue it made me much better than most because I was tough when I needed to be, but careful when necessary, especially with victims or alleged victims.
I left the State for the same reasons. I thought the machine was always pushing too hard and was unable to let go because of public perception or past record even when a case had no merit. So we are in the same boat there.
No one is squeamish about anything just because they don’t enjoy the day-in and day-out of prosecuting sex crimes. I would say I was just squeamish enough. Your style may be louder, but as an attorney, you should know that this was a story, but far from the whole story. When you leave a comment like that, without all the evidence, you haven’t done your job as a reader or an attorney.